10 Email Conversion Tips to Sell Well

Discover 10 top tips for boosting your email conversion rates and profits.

EmailListEssentialsSmallOne of the most important aspects of emails marketing is of course the conversion rate. The goal is to get as many of your prospects to become paying customers.

Here are 10 tips for boosting your conversion rate and keeping it high.

1-Craft great subject lines
Your first task is to get them to open the email. A great subject line will help.

2-Mail a variety of items
Don’t send endless articles and promotions. Try top 5s, checklists, quizzes and more.

3-Mail regularly
Don’t ignore your readers except when you want to try to sell them something. Create great subject lines, content and a regular schedule and they will start to look forward to hearing from you.

4-Keep it short and simple
People are busy these days. Get to the point and make sure you have one.

5-Don’t forget the call to action.
If you want them to click, buy and so on, say so. Don’t make them guess.

6-Track and test your success
Evaluate each email you send in terms of conversions. Keep the ones that do best for future use, and modify the subject lines of the others to see if you can improve upon your results. You can probably email on a 3 month rotation without your existing list subscribers getting tired of the same old thing. Your new subscribers will then also get a chance to see the offer and buy.

7-Segment your lists
It is great to get one email list started, but over time, you will need to segment them, that is, create more than one list for marketing purposes. In this way you can keep track of what they are interested in, have already purchased and so on. For example, imagine your niche is dog separation anxiety and you have three things to sell, a book, a multimedia ecourse, and a gift basket. By creating 1 list for each of these items for customer who have already purchased it, you can fine-tune your messaging. In other words, there’s no point in sending emails over and over again to someone who has already bought the book. You would send the emails about the course and basket instead. If they then bought the basket, you would send them info about the ecourse.
8-Decide on the time of day to send
There are a couple of options. One is YOUR time of day. The other is your target audience’s time of day. 7AM and 9AM are good times for mailing in general, so you can set that time in relation to your time zone, such as EST. Or, you can set the email to go out at that time in the person’s time zone. Note: you would need to set up the email a couple of days in advance in order to cover all time zones correctly, from New Zealand all the way back around again to the International Date Line.

9-Aim to be error-free
With respect to quality, it’s absolutely essential that you double and triple check that there are no spelling or grammatical errors in your e-mail solicitations. Even among readers who claim not to care much about such things, you’re hurting your hard-earned status as an expert in your niche if you send out sloppy emails. Above all, check the subject line and test the link you are giving them to make sure it’s the right one.

10-Be helpful and honest
People do business with people they like. Be personable and helpful, not a mad spammer.

Over time, you’ll come to discover what works best for your mailing list and learn how to use it to both help your subscribers and grow your business. Pay attention to your conversion rates and you should soon get a steady stream of profits.


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10 Email Conversion Tips to Sell Well
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10 Email Conversion Tips to Sell Well
Discover 10 top tips for boosting your email conversion rates and profits.