ADD Versus ADHD-What is the Difference?

ADHD: A Beginner's Guide for Parents: What It Means When Your Child is Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderThere is some confusion over the definition of the medical terms ADD and ADHD due to the changing definitions of these two health conditions over the past 40 or so years since they have been studied in detail. It this article, we will discuss the main differences between the two, and the reasons for the confusion. In this way, it is hoped that you will gain a clearer understanding of the similarities and differences between the two disorders. In this way, you will be able to seek an accurate diagnosis, and an effective treatment plan for whichever condition you or your loved one (such as your child) may be suffering from.

Let’s start with definitions of the two. ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Let’s look at ADD first. As the name suggestions, Attention Deficit Disorder manifests as a certain group of symptoms in both the adults and children who have it. Those with ADD have a hard time concentrating fully on anything. This is obviously an issue when it comes to learning in school, but can also take its toll on a child’s life at home as well. For adults, it can wreak havoc with their professional careers and their personal relationships.

The symptoms of ADD include:

*A lack of attention
*A lack of focus on a task
*A lack of focus on what is being said to them, even when you are looking right at them or are ‘in their face’

ADHD adds H for Hyperactivity. In this case, in addition to the lack of ability to pay attention fully, there is also a marked tendency towards being unable to stay or sit still, with constant restless movement or fidgeting apparent.

Many people use ADD and ADHD interchangeably, but while they might be related, the H for hyperactivity will often cause the most trouble for the child in society, and therefore needs to be dealt with in different ways.

This is because the Hyperactivity often shows itself as disruptive or even uncontrollable behavior, which can often get them into trouble in school.

ADHD is characterized as also lacking in impulse control. People with ADHD have anger issues and this can be shown as tantrums in children and tirades in adults.

The confusion over ADD versus ADHD stems in part from the fact that ADHD was originally called ADD. In addition, there are various type of ADHD and one of them is called Classic ADD. This refers to the original definition of the disorder before the H was added to the name to characterize one of its main features, Hyperactivity.

Many of the strategies that work for ADD will also work for ADHD, but the hyperactivity and impulse control issues can cause significant challenges for a person with ADHD and should not be underestimated. Therefore, by all means use effective ADD strategies and treatments, but pay particular attention to the more disruptive aspects of ADHD.

For more information on ADHD in children, you might be interested in:

ADHD: A Beginner’s Guide for Parents: What It Means When Your Child is Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Health Matters Book 43)

Homeschooling Your Child with ADHD: Steps to Success (Life Matters Book 5)

School Success Strategies for Children With ADHD: A Resource Book for Parents (Life Matters 4)

The Dangers of Artificial Coloring in Food (Health Matters)

ADD Versus ADHD-What is the Difference?
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ADD Versus ADHD-What is the Difference?
Learn the difference between ADD and ADHD in children, to help you help your child more effectively.