Attracting the Life You Desire Lesson 2

Learn more about the law of attraction and how it can transform your life.

Attracting the life you desire starts within yourself. You have to believe you deserve to be your best self and live your best life. And it doesn’t matter if you’ve had a tough time in the past. Dwelling on it or using it as an excuse for not having the life you want is only going to hold you back. Instead, you have to decide you are entitled to be just as happy as anyone else. The important thing is to define your own happiness, not what you think you should want.

If you are a people pleaser, you will often go with the flow rather than re-direct the river. The trouble is that you are being swept away on someone else’s journey, not your own. Sooner or later you are going to get tired of it and break away in the most unexpected manner. Think about your career, your life partner. How many of your choices were influenced by other people? Or how many doors were closed as a result of other people. One of our colleagues, Joan, wanted to be a writer from the time she could hold a pencil. Her mother didn’t think it was a career she could ever make a living at. She waited until Joan was away one weekend and cleaned out every piece of paper and notebook Joan had, including a lot of her schoolwork, because she used to jot ideas in the margins, and burned it all.

Joan was heart-broken when she got home and saw what had happened. For years, she never wrote anything other than academic papers. But one day,s he had a life-changing event when she became very ill with Lyme disease. It was then she realized life was too short not too do the things he loved, or have other people run her life. Within 6 months of her starting to write creatively again, she had a publisher for her first novel and a nice fat check as an advance on her royalties, and she’s never looked back.

What dreams have you sacrificed, or what things have you given up because of others? Or because of a little voice inside doubting that you could do it, or that you deserved to have the success you long for?

It’s time to silence those voices and critics. Be the Little Engine that Could-I think I can! Then see what wonderful thing you can attract in your life.

Attracting the Life You Desire Lesson 2
Article Name
Attracting the Life You Desire Lesson 2
Learn more about the law of attraction and how it can transform your life.

Author: Annabelle Stevens

Annabelle Stevens works as a life coach, aiding those who wish to transform their lives and improve their health, fitness, finances, and knowledge. She is the author of more than forty guides designed to help readers achieve their goals through practical action steps.