Attracting the Life You Desire Lesson 4

Attracting the Life You Desire Lesson 4

Are you allowing yourself the freedom to do, think, be? You may not be aware of this, but if you are like most people, you have placed a
limit on your freedom.

It starts when we are young. Adults mean well, but they limit us because they don’t want us to be ‘disappointed’, or are determined we should ‘make something of ourselves’. They might also steer us towards a certain career because they want us to have financial security, even though we might be stuck for years doing something we hate just for the sake of the money.

To achieve clarity and balance, you need to get rid of all of your “Yes, but.” that your parents used to give you as a way to try to talk you out of trying thing that you were really passionate about.

Here’s a shift in mindset exercise you can do right now and journal about if you wish. Think about something you’ve wanted for a very long time. Now ask yourself WHY you don’t have it. Were you talked out of it by others? Did you discourage yourself? Did you really want it, but let other people’s priorities change yours and lead you off the path?

Imagine you want to attract a house, “but” you are putting it off because the timing isn’t right, or your credit score is too low, or you don’t
have a big enough down payment.You do see where this is going, right? You’ve placed your own restrictions and you’ve given yourself no breathing room. You have told yourself not to do it, that you are doomed to failure, without ever even trying. By that token, none of us would ever learn how to walk or ride a bike because we didn’t do it completely perfectly the first time around.

But that is clearly not the case. We put effort into worthwhile things that help us get where we need to go. So the same should be true of your energies with respect to the law of attraction.

So, picture yourself with the thing you want most. Imagine a gateway to that thing coming into your life. What action can you take to make it a reality? Journal your thoughts, and we will see you in the next lesson.

Attracting the Life You Desire Lesson 4
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Attracting the Life You Desire Lesson 4
Discover how you can use the law of attraction to start living the life of your dreams.