Detox and Diet Reset 101

Detox, or detoxification, has become a popular way for health-conscious people to try to get rid of the impurities in their bodies. They will often do a detox for 1 to 3 days. Some might even do it for as long as a week. Some will even go to a spa in order to try to detox effectively and avoid temptation.
While it is true that detox does help people feel better, slim down, and gain more energy, it is also true that if you go right back to doing things the way you always have, you’re going to get the same result. You’ll feel down, sluggish, and your clothes will once again start to feel too tight.
The best way to do detox and maintain your great results is to follow it with a diet reset. In this course, you will learn how to detox, and which diets, or eating lifestyles, can help you boost your health as you continue to slim down or maintain your weight, for maximum nutrition.
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