Engaging with HootSuite

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HootSuite is one of the most popular social media management tools, and with good reason. There is SO much to do all the time with social media management, it can feel like a 10-ring circus. You are constantly creating content all the time, but is it converting into sales and profits? Is there a way to work smarter, not harder, so you don’t have to keep going from one network to the next frantically trying to get it all done? And what is the ultimate goal of engaging on social media? What is the best way to manage these connections to build your business?

Learn the answers to all of these questions and more in this quick course. Top marketer Thomas Duncan gives you an overview of the most effective marketing model for online businesses, and then takes you under the hood to see how HootSuite can help you execute this tried and tested marketing strategy.

If you’re at your wit’s end trying to get more traffic and sales, use all you learn in this course to set you on the path to better audience engagement, for more profits.

35+ minutes of video lessons
1 workbook to accompany the lessons


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Section 1Introduction
Lecture 1IntroductionFree Preview

When it comes to marketing successfully online, social media is important, but it can be very time-consuming if you don’t have an overall plan on how to manage your publishing schedule. HootSuite is an excellent tool that can help you with this.

But what is the end goal of engaging through HootSuite? Sales.

How do you get those sales?

It is possible, although rare, to make a sale the first time someone ever spots you on social media. It is much more common for them to need several points of contact with you before they get to know you and trust you enough to spend money with you and become a customer.

One of the best ways to engage with your target audience is through email. An email marketing list gives you the chance to contact your target audience on a regular basis. But how do you build a list? You can do it manually, by entering email addresses you collect from people you contact in you daily life. Or, you can create an interesting report or ebook to use as an incentive to get people to sign up for your email marketing list. Once they are on your list, then you can send them information and a range of special offers that can entice them to move from subscriber to customer.

Social media can be ideal for growing your list. HootSuite can be ideal for promoting your list, and for your offers and your most recently published content.

Social media marketing is all about engagement, but they can’t engage if you don’t post at the networks regularly. This is why HootSuite can be so ideal. You can post, and cross-post to the networks all from one dashboard and then track your success

Now that you understand the basic principles of building a marketing list and using social media to promote engagement, and HootSuite as a tool to help, let’s meet our instructor, grab our course do

Lecture 2Meet the InstructorFree Preview

Thomas Duncan is the creator of a range of courses designed to help student succeed in various online businesses.

Lecture 3Course Download
Section 2Video Lessons
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
Section 3Conclusion
Lecture 8Conclusion
Final Quiz