Functional Strength-Easy Strength Training

Functional Strength-Easy Strength Training
The current fitness recommendations for all adults is 30 minutes of cardio per day, plus 30 minutes of strength training each week. But you don’t have to pump iron and grunt and sweat in order to build strength. You just have to find some effective workouts that you will enjoy, and which are suited to you so you don’t injure yourself.
In this course, you will learn about functional strength, that is, practical ways to build your strength and improve your muscle tone without hours in the gym.
Course Contents: 64+ minutes of video tuition, 2 downloadable workbooks, written lessons, handouts and more.
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When you first start working out and going to the gym regularly, you most likely will have fairly modest goals. If you’re like most people, then your aim is probably to build muscle, burn fat and improve your body composition. If you manage that and you look and feel better after a month or so than you did before… then likely you’ll take that as a win.
But as you get more involved in your training and you start to really get into the swing of things, you might find yourself finding that your ambition grows. Instead of just wanting to improve your fitness generally, you’ll probably start getting a buzz from setting new personal records, from shifting more weight and from feeling the power in every movement you make. Eventually, you become like a coiled spring, waiting to pounce and explode into action.
And when you get to that point – where you start wanting to be better than ‘normal’ – you need to reassess the type of training you’re using. Is your current training program optimal in terms of building muscle? More importantly: is it optimal in terms of building strength? Are there other things you could be doing that would help you to become more powerful more quickly?
Instead of aiming to be like a Men’s Health cover model, you’re now aiming to be Bruce Lee. Or why not? Goku.
Who cares about washboard abs? That’s easy! We’re talking about being sharper, faster, stronger and more powerful than all your contemporaries. And that’s what we call functional strength training. Functional because it’s a type of training that helps you to function better out there in the real world – not just look a bit ‘sexier’. Come on, what kind of a goal is that? Strength is what powers you through your day and maintains a strong and supple body no matter what your age.
In this course, we will be looking at functional strength training to help you be all you can be, every day.
Ashleen Stone is part of a new generation of health writers and bloggers. She is the author of more than half a dozen health titles.
With thanks to Ross Stone for his contributions, and the voiceovers for all the videos.
This course is designed for general advice only. It is not a substitute for medical advice given by a qualified physician with respect to your own individual circumstances. You should never delay in seeking medical attention if you believe you are ill because of anything you might have read in this or any other health-related guide, website and so on.