Finding Your Ikigai

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Finding your Ikigai:
How to Seek Your Purpose in Life

Finding your ikigai (ick-ih-guy) can be defined as discovering your purpose and worth in life. Why are you on this planet, and how can you make a difference? How can you feel happy, with a sense of self-worth and purpose?

The Japanese concept of ikigai can help you answer all those questions, and more. By willing to reflect on your life and take action, you can start to become happier and more fulfilled, by defining what happiness means to you as an individual.

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut and longing for direction and purpose in your life, this guide can help you find your ikigai and progress towards becoming who you are meant to be. Use the lessons and course downloads, and see what a difference it can make to your life. Register now.


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Section 1Introduction
Lecture 1IntroductionFree Preview


Many people in the world today are suffering a crisis of identity. The modern world is not at all conductive to a sense of purpose. Families live apart from each other. Marriage and relationships are not expected to last. Many people are opting out of having children.

We work to put food in our mouths, rather than through joy, or out of a sense of duty rather than passion and the eagerness to help others. We buy and consume all manner of products in a desperate attempt to feel as though we’re part of something, using clothes, phones, and cars to symbolize our status, or our belonging to a particular social group.

We skip from hobby to hobby, always consuming, never going deeper with our skills or developing ourselves intellectually. We have lost faith in religion, government, and our fellow man. Anything goes as we drift from one thing to the next.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. It is possible to find real meaning in life and discover your purpose on the planet. You don’t have to go with the herd. It is not just a problem with the whole of society. It is us as individuals if we prefer sitting in front of a TV or DVD or computer game every day and every night and accomplish little or nothing as a result.

Some people take the bold step of thinking about their role in the world and whether not they are making a difference. Whether you are 8 or 80, it’s never too early or late to explore this concept and come up with some answers that can help set you on the right path towards true happiness.

Let’s get started with meeting the instructor and getting your course downloads. Then we will start looking at happiness, and how your ikigai can help you manifest the life you desire.

Lecture 2Meet the InstructorFree Preview

Meet the Instructor

Eiver Stevens is a self-help writer who has created more than 30 guides and courses designed to help people live better, with greater success.

Lecture 3Course Downloads
Section 2
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
Lecture 8
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Section 3Conclusion
Lecture 11Conclusion
Lecture 12Further Reading
Final Quiz