Insomnia and Your Health

Insomnia and sleep deprivation can difficult health issues to deal with. A good night’s sleep is essential for healing body, mind and spirit. Even one lost hour of sleep, during daylight savings time, has been shown to cause poor performance at work and make people much more accident prone, especially on the roads.
If you’ve been tossing and turning for weeks now, it’s time to take charge of your sleeping habits to beat insomnia and end your sleep deprivation. Start your course now, to set you on the path to a better night’s sleep.
To start studying this course, click on the button on the right, BUY NOW, to pay for the course. You will be asked to create a user name and password for this site. Once you have set up your free account, you can buy any course on the site. Pay via PayPal or any credit card.
Once you have paid, return to this course page. Instead of the BUY NOW button, you will see a “Start the Course” button instead. Click on it to start studying now.
Note: You may have to REFRESH the page for the button to update.
Navigate though the course through hitting the buttons at the bottom of each lesson to move forward, or use the clickable table of contents that will appear once you start the course to move up and down to the different sections if you wish.
If you have any questions, please contact us.