Niche Video Marketing Blueprint 101

Niche Video Marketing Blueprint 101
Niche marketing has proven to be one of the most successful online marketing methods in the world. Video is booming in popularity online. Put the two together and you have a powerful way to market to he right prospective customers who will be interested in all the products and services you have to offer.
Best of all, you don’t need a lot of money to get started. All you need is the willingness to put in some time and effort to know your niche, build a relationship with them, and create the kind of free and paid products they will be eager for.
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Introduction to Niche Marketing
The world of business has changed and evolved over the years as technology has created new ways for advertisements to reach customers. The end result is hopefully increased profits for the business owner, since the main goal of business hasn’t changed, namely, to make money so they can stay in business.
Marketing strategies have grown more sophisticated as well. Every business is in search of the right customer for their product. Large companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year developing new products and conducting market research.
Small businesses also need to know where to market their products or services. With a considerably smaller budget than a big corporation, successful marketing strategies can mean the difference between staying afloat and sinking out of sight.
One of the most important tools in the marketing arsenal is niche marketing. The principle strategies of niche marketing make it ideal for the small business owner looking to turn a profit.
Niche marketing works under the assumption that a customer interested in a particular topic or niche is going to be looking for something to buy to improve their life, solve a problem, or help them make the most out of the niche they are interested in. The trick is to find out what their ‘pain points’ are and offer real solutions in the form of products and/or services for them.
In today’s economy, no one wants to waste their money, so they will spend money for the items they want and need as long as they offer real solutions.
Niche marketing plays an important role in opening up new markets. That being the case, we will outline for you:
• What a niche market is
• Dos and don’ts of niche marketing
• The importance of market research
• Making niche marketing work for you
Introduction to Video Marketing
Video marketing is booming. People are eager for online entertainment, information and education. The success of YouTube is phenomenal, and growing all the time. Yet many businesses are still not using video marketing as part of their overall marketing mix. It’s time to stop missing out. If you want to launch your own business, you need to know about niche marketing. If you want to market effectively in your niche even though you have only a small budget, you need to know about video marketing.
Martin Warner is Eternal Spiral Books’ resident expert on all things video. He is the author of more than 20 marketing guides.
Joan Mullally is a pro at niche marketing and video marketing, and is the author of more than 100 small business and marketing guides.