Take Notes Like a Pro 101

Discover How to Use Simple Steps to Effectively Take Notes and Retain the Right Knowledge… Starting Today!
This video course was designed to help you develop an easy-to-follow note taking system that will turn your scribbles into a ‘note’-worthy study program.
Does note taking feel like an ongoing battle?
Do you feel that rise of panic whenever you have to pick up a pen and paper as the speaker starts talking, as your professor starts lecturing, or as your meeting begins?
Or do you like taking notes so much that you frantically write and write and write, only to end up with so much information that you can no longer find the important details? These type of notes are almost completely useless because of the time it takes to review them for the information you need.
If you’re like the many, many people who have a difficult time taking notes or who feel that their notes don’t give them the benefits they should, then this video course is for you.
There is one important thing to remember when taking notes:
Note taking is NOT transcribing. There are ways to take notes without having to write down every single thing. Instead, you should focus on the details that you will need and that are helpful to you.
In this video course, I will show you a great system of note taking that will amplify your skills by reducing the time you spend taking notes. You will learn how to shorten your notes while at the same time getting much more out of them.
Course Duration=45+ minutes of video instruction, plus downloads
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