How to Create a Video Sales Letter 101

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How To Create A Video Sales Letter 101
Sales Video Formula 2.0

Struggling to get sales? Frustrated of seeing low conversions? And are you so fed up you wish there’s an easy way to sell your products?

If you’ve answered ‘YES’ to all these questions, it’s time to consider a different ways of selling: Video Sales Letters (VSLs).

VSLs can skyrocket your sales, boost your conversions and pull in leads with hypnotic video messaging. Best of all, you don’t have to be an expert with a video camera. There are a number of ways to create VSLs quickly and easily once you know how.

In this course, you will learn what VSLs are and why they are so powerful. You will discover a formula for creating high-performing VSLs. You will learn a systematic approach to DOUBLING or even TRIPLING your conversions with just simple tweaks and changes! And you will learn how to split test your VSLs like a marketing pro.

Last, but not least, you will learn the three different formats of sales letters, and the pros and cons of each. If you’re not offering type #3, (and most have never even heard of it), you’re leaving money on the table.

VSLs can be one of the best ways to sell well online consistently. Register for your paced 5-video course today, download the workbook, study the videos, and you should soon be a VSL pro.


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Section 1Introduction
Lecture 1IntroductionFree Preview

Thanks for joining us for this course. We’re looking forward to giving you the secret formula for creating great video sales letters that will convert well, for more sales and profits.

In this course, we have 5 information-packed videos:

Video #1: Winning Video Sales Letter Layout

There’s a reason why most if not all of the top selling products on marketplaces like ClickBank and JVZoo are set up in this way. Discover the inside secret!

Video #2: The Sales Video Formula

This formula can help you create a great video sales letter(VSL) every time.

Video #3: VSL Tweaks

Discover quick hints, tips and hacks to boost your conversions even higher.

Video #4: Split Testint

Most people don’t know how to split test. Learn how so you can boost your video conversions even more.

Video #5: Pure VSL vs Hybrid VSL vs Pure Copy

You basically have 3 sales letter formats to choose from. Discover the pros and cons of each, and how to create them.

Sounds exciting? Great. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get on with things. Click NEXT to meet your instructors, get your course download, and start studying your videos.

Lecture 2Meet the InstructorsFree Preview

About the Instructors

Joan Mullally has written more than 100 guides to help new small business owners and marketers gain the skills they need to succeed online.

Martin Warner is an online marketer who specializes in niche research and social marketing. He is the author of more than 20 guides.

Lecture 3Course Downloads
Section 2Video Lessons
Lecture 4Video Lesson 1
Lecture 5Video Lesson 2
Lecture 6Video Lesson 3
Lecture 7Video Lesson 4
Lecture 8Video Lesson 5
Section 3Conclusion
Lecture 9Conclusion
Final Quiz