Addictions: Types, Signs, Treatments


If you are worried you might have an addiction, this book can help you spot the problem and step on the road to recovery. If you are desperately seeking to understand why someone might be addicted, how it could happen, and most importantly why they just don’t stop, this book can help provide some of the answers you seek.

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Is Addiction – Yours or Someone Else’s Addiction – Impacting Your Life?

Are you struggling to understand the nature of addiction, or what to do about it?

Addiction can cause devastation to a person’s life, and family. And addiction these days is NOT only about drugs and alcohol. In this modern world, there are many new forms of addiction you and your loved ones need to be aware of in order to stay safe. Or to do something about the addiction before it ruins their life.

This book gives insight into the different types, signs, causes and treatment of a range of addictions.

Discover the range of behaviors that can be diagnosed as addiction.
Topics of discussion include –

* Behavioral addictions, including gambling, shopping, sex, internet and other common addictions.

* What an addictive personality is and the warning signs to look for.

* Signs that you might be in an addictive relationship, and signs that you might be addicted to toxic relationships.

* Physiological and psychological effects of chemical and substance addictions.

* The need to understand that addiction is an illness. It is not simply a matter of weak character or willpower.

* Actions that you can take to help someone suffering from an addiction.

* Actions that you must take to protect yourself.

* And much, much more!

Order now, and in addition to the 45-page guide, you will also receive a set of helpful infographics to guide you through this important topic.

Look at what’s inside:

Table of Contents

1. Behavioral Addictions
2. Addictive Personality
3. Signs of Being In An Addictive Relationship
4. Signs You Are Addicted to Toxic Relationships
5. Chemical and Substance Addictions
6. Internet, Smartphone and Gaming Addictions
7. Sexual Addiction
8. Shopping Addiction
9. Work Addiction
10. Treatments and Therapies for Addictions

There’s no need to spend hours researching the basics when our expert health writers have pulled it all together for you into one brief but comprehensive guide.

If you are worried you might have an addiction, this book can help you spot the problem and step on the road to recovery.

If you are desperately seeking to understand why someone might be addicted, how it could happen, and most importantly why they just don’t stop, this book can help provide some of the answers you seek.


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