How to Use eBay Marketplace Research

Sellers who use eBay Marketplace Research have a distinct advantage over marketers who don’t. With Marketplace Research, you can get data that will help you decide what to sell, what not to sell, and how to compete with other sellers more effectively. These are a few ways you can use eBay Marketplace Research to your advantage.

Check Demand before You List

How many people are buying the product you are about to sell? Conversely, how many listings get dropped without a single bid? Before you invest the time, money and energy into marketing a product, Marketplace Research can tell you exactly how much demand there is for the product.


Does the item sell best in the winter, or does it sell throughout the year? Perhaps the item sells fairly consistently, except for certain months when it makes a huge spike. These are crucial statistics to know before you jump into an industry. EBay doesn’t give you these statistics, but Marketplace Research will.

Statistically Winning Keywords

Marketplace Research can compile a list of all the keywords that were used to list the item you are selling, then match it to the number of sales those listings made and tell you which keywords statistically had the highest rate of success. By using these keywords you are virtually assured that your listings will get seen by the right people.

Days and Times of Days

Is it better to list your auctions for five days or seven? Should you end on a weekday or weekend? What time is the best to end your auction? Again, Marketplace Research can give you detailed statistics based on past listings. It will tell you what times of day the most successful auctions ended and what times of day failed to get buyers.

Spy on Winning Sellers

What are winning sellers selling? What are their keyword strategies? What are their listing strategies? Marketplace Research gives you a whole host of data on specific sellers that eBay doesn’t provide you with. This information can really help you pull ahead of the pack and eventually surpass the industry leaders.

Research Overseas Markets

Should you sell your products overseas? How much demand is there? Not only will Marketplace Research answer this question, it will even give you a breakdown by region. Furthermore, it will also show you the various different eBay-owned websites on which you could market your products internationally.

EBay Marketplace Research really gives a seller a powerful advantage. Instead of having to spend time and money figuring out what works and doesn’t work, you can instead just look up the data based on past performance. That could mean thousands of dollars and months of work saved.


Author: jm

Joan Mullally has been doing business online for more than 20 years and is a pioneer in the fields of online publishing, marketing, and ecommerce. She is the author of more than 200 guides and courses designed to help beginner and intermediate marketers make the most of the opportunities the Internet offers for running a successful business. A student and later teacher trainee of Frank McCourt’s, she has always appreciated the power of the word, and has used her knowledge for successful SEO and PPC campaigns, and powerful marketing copy. One computer science class at NYU was enough to spark her fascination with all things digital. In her spare time, she works with adult literacy, animal fostering and rescue, and teaching computer skills to women.