Natural Remedies for ADHD in Children

ADHD: A Beginner's Guide for Parents: What It Means When Your Child is Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

With a growing number of children now being diagnosed with ADHD, many parents have started to investigate natural remedies to help relieve the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder before trying prescription medications. There is nothing wrong with this as some children don’t have symptoms that are overly aggressive and can easily manage them naturally. Regardless of your thoughts regarding natural remedies for ADHD symptoms, they can be helpful and should be given some consideration.

Below are a few natural remedies for ADHD. Keep in mind that these natural methods may not work on all children and may only reduce the aggressiveness of symptoms. Therefore, it’s vital that you discuss the best approach for managing your child’s ADHD with a medical professional so you can explore all of your options.

+Manage Their Diet.
There have been many studies done that have made connections between ADHD symptoms and the pesticides used on the fresh fruits and vegetables we eat. Therefore, it may be helpful to begin purchasing only organic produce that is free of these chemicals.
Additionally, try to limit the amount of canned, frozen and/or prepackaged foods that you use. If you do need to buy them, try to purchase foods with minimal artificial coloring and flavors, as well as minimum preservatives and other additives. Some food additives may also increase symptoms of ADHD in children. Sugar and gluten should also be monitored carefully if your child has ADHD.

+Try Using Herbs.
There is a lot of literature available regarding various herbs and the effects they have on us and our behaviors. For children with ADHD, it can be hard to get them to calm down and relax, especially before bedtime.

Chamomile is a wonderful natural remedy for this, and also aids in digestion. It can be used inexpensively in herb teas, and the dried flowers can be used in pillows as part of aromatherapy.

Lavender is another useful herb, to be take both internally, and used as aromatherapy. It can be drunk as a tea, and a few drops can be used to sweeten cakes, cookies and candy. In its dried form it can be used as a pillow or as drawer sachets to keep clothes smelling fresh, as well as surrounding your child with a soothing scent.
Both herbs are known to relax people and they are inexpensive and widely available. Depending on the troubles you are having with your child, you may want to visit with an herbalist or a natural health food professional before experimenting with herbs you aren’t familiar with.

+Adjust Your Lifestyle.
While a daily routine is recommended for all children, it is vital for those with ADHD. Children with ADHD can find the smallest changes to be overwhelming. Therefore, it can be extremely beneficial for families with ADHD members to create a consistent schedule where certain activities take place at the same time every day. It provides children with ADHD a stable schedule that they know will occur every day, and gives them extra security and less anxiety.

Being consistent and letting children know what to expect, and what is expected of them, can be some of the best ways of helping them deal with ADHD.

+Try Exercise
In addition to creating a consistent family routine, incorporating exercise into your daily routine can be beneficial for children with ADHD to. It allows them to get up and release the built-up energy they have in a constructive way. Consider exercising as a family by riding bikes, swimming, hiking or horseback riding. You can also enroll your child in an athletic activity if he/she enjoys sports too.

You might also like to try yoga with your child. It not only helps them build strong, lean muscle, it can also help them achieve more mental focus through simple meditations. A meditation is usually a way of concentrating on a single point or idea, and can definitely improve a person’s attention span.

+See a Therapist.
There are many therapists who are extremely knowledgeable about ADHD and various methods and techniques for handling its symptoms. Taking your child to see a therapist regularly is another helpful and natural way to reduce ADHD symptoms and help them feel more in balance in their lives.

These are just a few suggestions for natural remedies that you can try for ADHD which do not involve any harsh chemicals or side effects. For more information on ADHD in children, you might be interested in:


ADHD: A Beginner’s Guide for Parents: What It Means When Your Child is Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Health Matters Book 43)

Homeschooling Your Child with ADHD: Steps to Success (Life Matters Book 5)

School Success Strategies for Children With ADHD: A Resource Book for Parents (Life Matters 4)

The Dangers of Artificial Coloring in Food (Health Matters)

Natural Remedies for ADHD
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Natural Remedies for ADHD
Discover a range of natural remedies that can help relieve ADHD symptoms in your child.