Simple Outdoor Projects for DIY Moms

DiymomTired of sounding like a nag every time you remind your partner of all that needs to be done outside the house? Cross those items off the to do list by becoming a DIY mom.  There’s no reason you can’t take on some of the jobs outside that don’t require professional training.

From planting shrubs and reseeding the lawn to adding lighting to walkways and home exteriors, women are just as capable of taking care of these tasks as men without needing to spend a lot calling in a professional. With the wealth of free information available online or in your local DIY superstore, learn what you can about the projects you want to tackle, and go for it. Just be sure to put safety first at all times. Here are a few easy tasks that can be immensely rewarding.

Planting Shrubbery and Trees
Greenery can make a big difference in the look of your property. One little thing that can make a big difference is to add new shrubs and small trees around the house. You don’t have to be an expert to do it, either. Just get the right tools and do a little research on the plants you’re using. Remember that some species are considered invasive, and may need to be avoided if they could spread to other areas, and that in some climates, you’ll want to avoid shrubs that require a lot of water.

Most large plants will be planted in the fall or winter to reduce transplant shock. You may need to get a little help to move bigger shrubs and trees without damage, too. Check with your local nursery about the kinds of plants that will thrive in the area, and how much care and maintenance they will need. Set your budget and start planting.

Seeding the Lawn
If your yard has some unpleasant bare patches or is being overtaken by undesirable plants, it might be time to re-seed. This extremely simple task takes only a little while but you can soon see some great results.

You’ll need some grass seed appropriate for your lawn, lighting conditions, and local climate. Cut the grass shorter than you usually do, rake to thin the existing turf, then aerate the soil so it’s not as compacted. Compost and fertilizer can also be used to improve the soil.

Apply the seed, rake loosely, and be sure to apply some compost or peat topdressing to stop the seed from being blown around. Water frequently, but lightly, for a more lush lawn in no time. Just be careful with the grass seed when you are using it, since it can be dangerous to your pets in a number of ways.

Adding Walkway Lighting
Landscape lighting used to be a big deal to install, but with new kits available, it no longer has to be very complicated. Solar powered lights are among the simplest lights to install. If you’d like to add lighting along your walkway, just purchase these lights, find an appropriately sunny place for them, and stake them into the ground. The lights may not be really bright but they will be enough to light a dark path at night.

Motion Detector Installation
Installing motion detector lights is a little more complex than landscape lighting, since wiring is required in most cases. The easiest thing to do is to install a new light with a motion detector that’s already part of the fixture in place of an older outdoor light. Turn off the power to the circuit you’re working on, and put a piece of tape over the breaker so the kids don’t turn it back on again. Remove the old fixture carefully, holding onto it well so it doesn’t fall.

Test the voltage to make sure the power is still off. Then, unscrew the wire nuts and remove the wires. Cut away any weathered wire and strip the ends using wire strippers. Then install the light according to package instructions, making sure not to allow it to dangle at any point, which could damage it or the wires.

Connect the wires using a wire nut, then wrap the nut with electrical tape to hold everything in place and offer some extra weatherproofing. Push the wires up inside the box and attach the fixture. The sensitivity can be set using a dial on the back of the motion detector so it does not go off at the least sign of movement.

Note that some of them can be very bright, so you might need to hang curtains on any facing windows that the family might sleep in at night. When we go to our brother’s, the local cats set off his lights all the time and it can be tough to sleep with such a strong spotlight beaming into the room.

A motion sensor can give you light outside when you need it and offer protection from anyone trying to sneak around your house.  So have the confidence to try a few simple outdoor DIY projects and you will soon see how easy and rewarding it can be to be a DIY mom.

Further Reading

check out all the Green Matters titles
How to Paint Your House Inside and Out

Simple Outdoor Projects for DIY Moms
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Simple Outdoor Projects for DIY Moms
Discover 5 easy outdoor projects for DIY moms.