Smart Spending Strategies: Money Management for Beginners

SmartSpendingCover*Learn how to manage your personal finances by cutting your spending and curing consumerism, so you can save money for a better future for you and your loved ones.*

When economic times are good, people rarely consider how their current spending habits can negatively affect their financial outlook. They may believe they have more than enough to live on, until the unthinkable happens, such as being laid off, getting injured, or becoming too sick to work.

Prior to the drastic economic downturn at the end of 2008, many people took spending sprees and credit card debt for granted as a way of life. It spurred consumerism, and a “Buy now, pay later,” lifestyle that seemed to make sense, in part because so many other people were doing it.

The only people who got wealthy due to this consumer trend were the credit card companies and banks. When credit and jobs both became scarce, many ordinary people were left seriously struggling, if not actually bankrupt.

Fast forward 7 years since the start of the recession, and economic indicators show we are still not seeing the kind of recovery we had all been hoping for. Wages have become lower, or stayed the same, while prices have increased, closing the gap between what you earn and what you are being forced to spend in order to support you and your family.

Many people try to tighten their belts to survive the storm. However, others have a “here today, gone tomorrow” attitude when it comes to money. They work hard, they reason, so they should be able to spend their money the way they wish.

If you or your partner struggle from paycheck to paycheck and do not have an emergency fund saved up with at least enough money to cover all of your regular household bills such as rent or mortgage, utilities and so on, it’s time to empower yourself for a better financial future. It is time to learn more about money management and adopt some smart spending strategies so you can learn how to live better for less and make saving, not spending, setting goals, and achieving them, as the focus of your personal finances.

In this guide, you will learn what excessive spending is, how you can tell if you have a problem with your spending, and action steps to take to stop spending and start saving.

You will discover:
+How to track your spending
+Why you need a budget
+Whether you or not you are an emotional spender
+How to pay down debt and stay out of debt
+What to do if you are facing foreclosure

You will also learn about:

+Setting your financial goals and sticking to them
+Dealing with credit card companies
+Why bankruptcy may not be the solution to your money issues that you think it is
+Why your credit score is so important
+How to steer clear of consumerism

and more.

It’s time to take control of your finances starting today, for a more secure and prosperous future for your whole family. Download this guide and the free worksheets that go with it to help you apply all that you have learned about smart spending strategies.

These smart spending strategies may not cure all your financial woes, but they will certainly be a step in the right direction toward better budgeting and money management. Plus, they can even be fun, as you discover great ways to live better for less, get out of debt, stay out of debt, and best of all, lift the burden of money-related stress you might be weighed down by.

Set financial goals that are important to you and empower yourself these strategies to achieve and even surpass your goals.
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CH 1: How to Determine If You Have a Problem with Excessive Spending
CH 2: Are You Paying Bills on Time, or Late?
CH 3: Are You Using Credit Cards for Consumerism?
Plus 17 more chapters, worksheets to download, and more.


Jim Franklin has been a financial consultant for nearly 20 years and is the author of more than 20 finance-related guides. Annabelle Stevens is the author of more than 50 self-help guides and works as a personal coach to empower people to transform their lives.

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Smart Spending Strategies: Money Management for Beginners

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