
Cyclospora: How to Stay Safe

$1.99 USD

Learn more about the potentially dangerous foodborne parasite Cyclospora, and how to stay safe in 2020.



+++The tenth edition, created June 24, 2020, is now available to download+++

What dangers are lurking in your kitchen? Or in the food you are eating while you are traveling on vacation?

In the Summer of 2013, a virulent foodborne illness began spreading throughout the United States, leading to hundreds of cases, with some so severe that they required hospitalization.

As of June 2020, cyclospora is back in the headlines, with hundreds of new cases being reported from a range of states in relation to bagged salads sold at various supermarkets.

With all going on in the world with COVID-19, the LAST thing anyone wants is to get sickened with salad by a pesky little parasite.

Cyclospora infection, or cyclosporiasis, can pose a threat to your health and is even more risky for children, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with compromised immune systems. Keep your family safe by learning what you need to know about Cyclospora, including:

+ What it is
+ Where it comes from
+ What the symptoms are of cyclosporiasis
+ How to treat a Cyclospora infection effectively
+ How to prevent Cyclospora infections

and much more.

Use the information you learn to keep your family safe from a potentially dangerous stomach bug making the rounds in the USA and around the world. Learn how to stay safe at home in your own kitchen, and overseas if you travel, to avoid contracting Cyclospora.

An ounce of prevention is far better than a pound of cure when it comes to any illness, but particularly foodborne ones. They can ruin your quality of life, and can even be life-threatening to the young, older persons, and those with a compromised immune system. Use all you learn in this guide to help keep you and your family safe.

WORD COUNT=15,390 words

What’s in This Guide


1-What is Cyclospora?

2-How is Cyclospora Spread?

3-Who is Most at Risk of Contracting a Cyclospora Infection?

4-What are the Symptoms of Cyclosporiasis?

5-How is Cyclosporiasis Diagnosed?

6-How Do Doctors Treat Laboratory-Confirmed Cases of Cyclospora Infection?

7-Symptom Alert: Diarrhea and Vomiting and the Dangers of Dehydration

8-What is the Best Way to Prevent Cyclospora Infections?

A-Prevention Overseas
i-Drinking Water Safety
ii-Food Safety
iii-Other Travel Health Tips

B-Prevention at Home
i-Household Hotspots
b-The Sick Room
c-Dealing with Dirty Laundry
d-Trash Cans

ii-Washing Your Hands Well

iii-Hotspot Alert: Safety in the Workplace

iv-Avoiding Food-borne Illness

v-Food Safety Alert: Handling Raw Produce Safely

vi-A Suggested Raw Produce Handling Routine

vii-Major Hotspot: Cleaning the Kitchen

viii-Summary: Food Safety and Kitchen Cleanliness



Carolyn Stone is a freelance health writer and the author of more than 200 health titles, including Coronavirus, Ebola, Norovirus, Listeria, and more.


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