Market Your Business With Videos

$4.99 USD

Discover easy ways to start marketing your business with videos on popular sites like YouTube.



How to Market Your Business Effectively with Videos: Basics for Beginners

Video marketing is booming. Have you added it to your marketing mix? If not, isn’t it about time you started? In this guide, you will learn why video marketing can be so effective as part of your niche marketing efforts.

You will learn where to post your videos, the best places to promote them, and the best ways to get viewers to watch them and share them. You will also discover a range of cheap and easy ways to create high-quality videos that your target audience will love.

Knowing your niche is the key to success when it comes to any marketing, but particularly video marketing. You can literally speak to the needs of your audience in your videos once you know how.

IF you want to ride the trend for videos and online education, download this guide now and create and upload your first video. Then see what a different it can make to your traffic, profits, and social connections.

+Small business owners who want to start marketing effectively with videos
+New business owners who want to learn more about niche marketing and video marketing

Word count=14,149


Table of Contents

What’s in this Guide


Chapter 1: Why You Need to Use Video in Your Marketing Mix

Chapter 2: Social Media and Video Marketing

Chapter 3: Social Media Getting Younger Customers

Chapter 4: What exactly is niche marketing?

Chapter 5: Using Video for Describing and Reviewing Your Products

Chapter 6: Why Your Business Needs a YouTube Channel

Chapter 7: Creating Great YouTube Videos

Chapter 8: Uploading Your Video on YouTube

Chapter 9: Encouraging Video Sharing


Further Reading
About the Authors

Martin Warner is Eternal Spiral Books’ resident expert on all things video. He is the author of more than 40 marketing guides and courses.

Joan Mullally is a pro at niche marketing and video marketing, and is the author of more than 120 small business and marketing guide and courses.


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