Do NOT Let the Myth of Free Content Online Destroy Your Business

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There is really no such thing as free content on the Internet, for a number of reasons. The first is that no matter what the content, an article, book, music track or album, video, and […]

How to Channel Passion and Enthusiasm in Your Marketing Copy

If you want to motivate your customer to take action, the best way to do that is to create a perception of action in relation to your brand. The way you communicate with your customers […]

How to Boost the Emotional Impact of Your Website

If you want your website to get referrals, get people to come back and get people to buy, you need to make an emotional impact. Factual information on the web is useful for research, but […]

How to Create an Integrated Marketing Plan for Your Small Business

by Joan Mullally and Evelyn Trimborn Marketing has never been easy, but an integrated marketing plan for your business becomes more difficult almost every day due to new websites and technologies being launched so frequently […]

Success Strategies for Marketing Your Online Business Offline

  by Joan Mullally and Evelyn Trimborn Joan Mullally is a top Internet marketer and publisher whose commonsense solutions help small businesses establish a presence on the internet successfully. Evelyn Trimborn is a freelance journalist […]

How to Monetize B2B Blogs

Making money from a business-to-business blog is different than making money from a consumer blog. A B2B blog generally means you’ll have somewhat less traffic than a more generic blog, but each visitor can potentially […]