Coping With Caregiving

Learn how to cope with caregiving in this guide for beginners. Caregiving challenges us on many levels, emotional, physical, practical, spiritual, so use what you discover to help prevent burnout.

How to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

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Caregiver burn out is the phrase commonly used to refer to a person looking after a loved one at home, usually full-time. They may need to look after their loved one due to some form […]

Dealing With Disability in a Toddler

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As children with physical challenges age, their differences in abilities can become more apparent. The toddler stage usually finds children exploring their world, but any disability can cause physical challenges. Just because they have disability, however, does […]

Know Your Cholesterol Numbers

Do you know your cholesterol numbers? If you have not had a check-up in the past year, now might be the time to find out. Chances are you might have a problem. Lipitor is the […]

Dealing with Childhood Obesity, Part 1

According to the Centers for Disease Control, (CDC) over one-third of children can be considered  overweight or obese. The American lifestyle is certain prosperous compared with that of many other developing nations, but it is […]