1 Week to Mother’s Day in the USA

Mother’s Day in the USA is on Sunday, May 10 this year. In honor of the occasion, and moms everywhere, we will be offering a range of free titles this week to help you plan a special celebration, and to make life easier for all the awesome moms out there. Whether you havechildren, stepchildren, or even ones with paws, women do a lot in our society that often goes unnoticed and unrewarded. And if you are struggling to think of something different from the ‘same old’ things you give your mom each year, hopefully these free guides will inspire you to create a celebration to remember. With that in mind, our first free title is: Mother’s Day Gifts, Activities, and Recipes: Easy Ways to Please Mom and Show You Care http://tinyurl.com/MothersDayGuide4u Here’s to your best Mother’s Day yet! And feel free to share this information with anyone you think might benefit from it-just click on the share buttons.

3 Easy Ways to Increase Your ROI

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As a business owner looking to earn more income, one of the easiest ways to do this to increase your ROI, your Return On Investment. To put it simply, the more you can earn in […]

12 Things You Can Do With PLR To Build Your Business

In case you are wondering what the big deal is about PLR (Private Label Rights Content) in terms of growing your business, and your visibility on the internet, here are 12 quick and easy ideas as to what you can do with your PLR: