Vegetable Snacks 2

Carrots can be cut into sticks or a veggie slicer can cut them into chips. Don’t waste time buying baby carrots. It is easy enough to take a regular sized carrot and cut it into shape, and most say they are better for you, with more nutrients, and less pesticide absorbed compared with the tiny carrot.

The same goes for cucumbers, beets, peppers, squash, zucchini, and other rigid veggies. They can all be sliced and diced for handy eating.

Tomatoes are classified as fruits, but we will consider them vegetables here. Many people just eat them like a fruit. Add a pinch of salt and bite in. Little cherry tomatoes or grape tomatoes are also ideal when you are on the run.

Broccoli and cauliflower can also be eaten raw, or you can lightly par boil them to make them a bit less crisp.

Celery is a good veggie because it is filled with water. It can relieve thirst and hunger at the same time.

What are vegetables without dip? Dip adds a flavor to veggies and even kids who turn their noses up to vegetables will eat certain ones if they are dipped in something. My kids love carrots and broccoli with low fat ranch dressing dip.

Many dips can be made at home with dry seasoning packets and fat free sour cream. Just be careful of the salt content.

For a different taste add your own fresh herbs to low fat sour cream or low fat, unsweetened yogurt.

Sweet dips, like sweetened yogurt based ones, are also good with veggie snacks. Dip can be stored in a container or a two-piece salad bowl. With the salad bowl, the dip doesn’t mix with the vegetables until you are ready to eat them.

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Author: cs

Carolyn Stone has been working in consumer health publishing and women’s interest publishing for over 22 years. She is the author of more than 200 guides and courses designed to help readers transform their lives through easy action steps. In her spare time, she is actively involved in fostering children and pets.