What is Copywriting?

< ![endif]–>The process of writing words to promote a business, person, opinion or idea. Copywriting can include plain text messages and a variety of other online media.

The main purpose of copywriting is to persuade the reader to act in some way, whether by buying a product (sales), signing up for an e-course (lead generation) or clicking on a link (eyeballs).

Copywriting can also refer to the SEO methods that are used to achieve higher rankings in search engines.

This type of copywriting is often referred to as content writing.

Copywriting for website placement involves the strategic repetition of keywords phrases within articles in order to score highly on search engine algorithms for best placement on the search engine results pages. (SERPs)


Author: jm

Joan Mullally has been doing business online for more than 20 years and is a pioneer in the fields of online publishing, marketing, and ecommerce. She is the author of more than 200 guides and courses designed to help beginner and intermediate marketers make the most of the opportunities the Internet offers for running a successful business. A student and later teacher trainee of Frank McCourt’s, she has always appreciated the power of the word, and has used her knowledge for successful SEO and PPC campaigns, and powerful marketing copy. One computer science class at NYU was enough to spark her fascination with all things digital. In her spare time, she works with adult literacy, animal fostering and rescue, and teaching computer skills to women.