How to Build Your Own Small Business 101

How to Build Your Own Small Business 101
Building your own small business can be an exciting opportunity to be your own boss and either add to your income, replace lost income, or develop all new streams of income working full time at something you love. However, the Small Business Administration estimates that around 50% of small businesses close their doors within the first year, and up to 80% by the fourth year.
DON’T be a negative statistic and waste all of your time and effort on a business that you can’t sustain in the long run. Building your business correctly from the outset using tried and tested methods will give you the best chance of success and the kind of profits that you’ve been dreaming of.
Learn from 2 small business owners who have set up and run successful offline and online businesses. Use all you learn as a checklist to get started and push towards success in your own small business. Whether you want to transform your hobby into a home-based business or go the more formal corporate route, you will find a range of lessons and resources to get started on the road to owning your own small business.
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With the unprecedented economic downturn of 2008, many people were been forced to become more resourceful about how to make ends meet. Some started up their own businesses to replace lost income. Some of them were able to translate the skills from their day job into their own small business.
Many more decided to pursue their passion by turning a hobby they loved into a full-time business. Many of us have a hobby or two that we love so much, we dare to dream of one day making a full-time living at them, gaining the freedom to make good money, be our own boss, set our own schedule. Sounds like fun, right? It CAN be, if you lay as solid foundation from the start and don’t treat it all like fun and games, but a REAL opportunity to transform your life in ways you can’t even imagine.
If you have been dreaming of starting your own business and have a hobby you are both passionate and knowledgeable about, it could be the perfect opportunity to add more income or replace lost income. But it takes more than passion and know-how to start and run a successful business. In this course, we will be covering the essentials about how to come up with a solid business idea and the most important things you need to plan ahead for, organize, and take care of in order to launch your own successful home-based small business.
Some people love their hobby and it might take the shine off it to start having to earn a living at it. If that shine is gold at the end of the process, however, then it is worth it to start looking at your hobbies in a whole new light, to transform your financial future.
If you want to go the more traditional corporate route and offer goods and services, we will cover that too in this course. The main thing is to start looking within to see what skills and talents you have which can all contribute to success in starting and running your own profitable small business.
So let’s get started in the next lesson with the place we always suggest our students start: from where they are right now.
About Your Instructor
Joan Mullally is a good example of a person able to transform her hobbies into real businesses.
She started her first business when she was 6, selling Avon for her friend’s mother, bringing in enough income to pay for all their own personal products plus start her own college fund. She was fortunate to have Frank McCourt, the Pulitzer-prize winning author of Angela’s Ashes, as her literature teacher and teaching mentor when she was training. She qualified and worked full-time as a teacher, but always had at least one business on the side, including sewing stuffed animals by hand, catering, a greeting card business in several different languages, and computer set up and repair.
She instantly fell in love with the Internet and began to design banners and websites in 1996. She also fell in love with digital publishing, and printed her first print on demand book in 1996.
Joan was an ecommerce pioneer, troubleshooting shopping carts, sales funnels and more for top online brands. She was able to make enough money from digital publishing and marketing to leave teaching and work full-time as a digital publisher and online marketer in 2000. She started to specialize in health writing in 1996 and continues with that work to this day. She was also a pioneer in email marketing to build relationships and generate more income.
She became an affiliate marketer and freelance web designer in 2000 and was one of Amazon’s first Associates. She launched her first WordPress blog in 2007 and has built countless ones since. She loves social media, and has written extensively about Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. She currently works as a digital producer, creating health-related content, and as a ghostwriter for many websites.
She has written more than 80 guides on small business and marketing topics designed to help newcomers gain the skills they need to succeed in the increasingly competitive world of online marketing. She is happy to share her insider knowledge to help people save time and money on their path to achieving their goals and living the life of their dreams.
In her spare time, she teaches adult and computer literacy, cares for her family, and does animal rescue work. She is the proud pet parent of 4 dogs and 3 cats and suggests everyone make adoption their first option.
Books Authored by Joan Mullally
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