
Discover why persistence is essential in order to be successful in life, and how to improve your persistence.

Persistence pays. This isn’t just a catchy slogan. Persistence can mean the difference between success and failure in everything you do.

Perhaps one of the most notable examples of persistence is Thomas Edison. He created more than 700 versions of the lightbulb until he finally got it right. Most people would have quit after one or two tries. But he knew that he was on the right track. It was just a case of proving it. And as he said, each time he failed, he learned more and more about what he was doing wrong so that he could finally get it right.

Persistence seems to be lacking in the modern world. We want everything to be easy. For example, if we want to lose weight, we think that we can take a pill and it will just vanish like magic. However, you did not gain all of your extra weight overnight, so it is unrealistic to think that you could ever possibly lose it all overnight.

This being the case, persistence is the only thing that is going to help you lose weight and get down to your ideal figure. You will need to persist in terms of what you eat, how much you exercise, how much you are active throughout your day rather than sitting down at your computer or in front of the TV, and so on. But the persistence will pay off. You will see real results and eventually slim down to your ideal weight.

In the same way, persistence at work will pay off. If you continuously put effort into a project, sooner or later it will be completed. If you jump around from project to project, none of them will ever be finished. It is a case of being persistent, focused, and taking action to get things done.

If you feel that you are not persistent enough, it might be time to explore exactly what persistence is and how to improve your level of persistence in order to achieve all of your goals in your career and personal life.

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Persistence 101

How to Increase Your Motivation 101

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Discover why persistence is essential in order to be successful in life, and how to improve your persistence.