More Healthy Quinoa Cookery for Beginners

by Mara Michaels and Erin Kennedy Quinoa, pronounced keen-WAH, is a rather confusing food for many people. Is it a whole-grain, or something more?  Is it a carbohydrate-like rice?  Is it related to wheat? Or, […]

Another Special Weight Loss Guide Offer from Rodale

Here is another offer to help you slim down in time for summer. If you think you have a gluten issue, try this book, an extended version of “Wheat Belly.”

The Celiac Report

Have you been recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease?  Are you worried that you could be a likely candidate?  Are you thinking about starting a Gluten-Free Life? Then you need The Celiac Report  

Gluten Free Christmas Cookbook

Gluten is a common component in many foods, but for people with celiac disease and other food sensitivities and allergies, it can be the difference between feeling great, and feeling awful. Having to eat a […]