Childhood Obesity Risks

Obesity is not a concern only for adults in United States. It is now becoming an increasingly alarming health concern for children. What was once considered a bit of baby fat can now be perceived […]

The Benefits and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery

The Benefits and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery (Health Matters) by Carolyn Stone and Evelyn Trimborn Laser eye surgery is one way that people who wish to correct their bad vision can improve their eyesight […]

How to Treat Insomnia Naturally

by Carolyn Stone and Evelyn Trimborn Insomnia can be one of the most frustrating and exhausting medical conditions, leading to weariness, irritability, an inability to function in the workplace, and damage to our relationships and […]

Food for Life 3

Nutrition on the Go: It IS possible There are many obstacles to eating well: your busy lifestyle, the ready availability of convenience foods, super portion sizes, and conflicting information on nutrition and weight loss. You […]

Diet and Disease Prevention Part 13

Your Diet and Type 2 Diabetes continued • Choose an overall balanced diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid foods you do not cook yourself, due to the high risk of hidden sugars […]

Diet and Disease Prevention Part 10

Your Diet and Type 2 Diabetes continued What Is Diabetes? Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder with abnormally high blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) as its most prominent feature. During intestinal digestion, carbohydrates and proteins are […]