Stop Smoking Successfully Program


Use this guide and all of its worksheets to help you quit smoking. This program has been created by someone who quit smoking successfully–you can too!


Many people decide to quit smoking as a New Year’s Resolution. We have designed this Resolution Support Pack to help you no matter when you decide you want to quit.

Stopping smoking is one of the greatest struggles any person can ever undertake. In part, this is due to the nicotine in cigarettes being so addictive. However, there is also a wide range of emotional and psychological issues surrounding smoking which need to be taken into account if a person is ever to stop smoking successfully.

Good preparation before ever trying to quit has been shown to be one of the best ways to stop smoking successfully. In this book, with its accompanying workbook, you will learn about why smoking is so addictive and how to trace your cigarette smoking patterns.

You will discover the main reasons why you personally smoke and the best steps to take to stop smoking in light of those reasons. As you progress through this guide and the downloadable worksheets, you will learn how to cope with cravings and discover the best strategies to stop yourself from lighting up even when you feel the most urgent need for a cigarette.

Stop Smoking Successfully also deals with why it is so hard for women to quit smoking and the best ways to quit smoking without gaining weight. In addition, you will learn how to cope with the resistance you might meet from family and friends who smoke as you transform yourself into a successful non-smoker.

Packed full of information, quizzes, worksheets and guidance, Stop Smoking Successfully offers you a step-by-step support system to help get you away from cigarettes and back on the road to good health.

In addition to this 52-page guide, you will also get a set of worksheets to help you track your smoking habits and motivations, to help you finally quit.


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