How to Set Up an Autoresponder Series in Aweber

$4.99 USD

Discover how to set up a list in Aweber and then create an autoresponder series of emails that can keep earning money for you over and over again.



AWeber is an autoresponder and email list management service which is used by many top Internet marketers due to it robust features and ease of use. Even if you don’t know anything about email or website coding, you can create highly-converting emails in minutes once you know how. All you need is a list, a welcome email and some pre-written content to copy and paste into the autoresponder.

Autoresponders, also known as Follow up emails, are, as the name suggests, sent out automatically to follow up with the people on your list. Autoresponders can be one of the most valuable marketing tools for your business IF you set them up and use them correctly.

Autoresponders are truly ‘hands-free’ marketing tools that will keep working for you around the clock, 24/7/365, even when you are nowhere near a computer. Set them up once, and your autoresponder series can keep on earning for you over and over again.

Autoresponders help you build a relationship with your target audience over time, so they will start to like and trust you, and rely on you for useful information related to your niche or industry. This like and trust will translate into sales, and good word of mouth marketing, as they tell more and more people about all you have to offer.

In this fully-illustrated guide, you will learn how to create a list and an email autoresponder series from scratch using the popular email marketing platform AWeber. Aweber has been around for nearly 20 years, and has emerged as one of the most popular services because it is affordable and so easy to use, even for complete beginners.

In this guide, you will learn what an autoresponder series is, how to set one up, and how it can be used to promote your business. If you are not already using email marketing, and at least one autoresponder filled with interesting content, you’re leaving money on the table.

Follow along step-by-step in this illustrated guide, and you will soon have your own fully automated email marketing list loaded with great content that will driving sales, for more profits, even if you are a complete beginner to the business world.

Email marketing works for ANY business:

+Bricks and mortar

+Direct sales products like Avon and Tupperware

+Affiliate sales

+Digital products

+Physical products

The only difference will be what actions you want your prospective customers to take once they receive each of your autoresponder emails.

Download this guide today, take action, and you will soon be able to convert subscribers into paying customers.


+Complete beginners to email marketing who want to learn how to set up a list and create an autoresponder so they can connect with their site visitors regularly, and even start to sell to them to earn money online

+Entrepreneurs who already have a website or business and want to take their marketing and sales to the next level

+Readers who want to learn more about quick and easy methods of email marketing to promote their website, affiliate products, and more, in order to earn money online

+Readers interested in automating their income using autoresponders, to keep cash coming in even when you’re not at your computer
Word Count=12,070
About the Authors

Joan Mullally has been using AWeber since it was first launched, and has watched it grow into one of the most popular and most useful email marketing platforms in the world. She is the author of more than 150 guides and courses designed to help people gain the skills they need to succeed online.

Thomas Michaels is one of Joan’s frequent co-authors and an expert in the technical side of the tools beginners can use to succeed online.


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