How to Use Aweber to Begin Email Marketing

$4.99 USD

Learn how to use Aweber to set up an email marketing list and then build a relationship with your subscribes in order to make money online.



Aweber is one of the most popular email marketing platforms, used by complete beginners and professional online marketers alike. The reasons are clear: It is a robust program that is also easy to use. In addition, Aweber is always trying to go one better, adding new features, templates and tools to help marketers get the most out of the program.

The only issue with Aweber is that it’s such a full-featured program that it’s easy for newcomers to email marketing to become dazzled by all the amazing things under the hood.

This quick-star guide solves both of these issues.

1-Learn how to set up your first email marketing list from scratch using step by step instructions

2-Discover the various features that can help you start email marketing, and take your business to the next level.

In Part I of this guide, look over the shoulders of 2 email marketing pros as they set up a list from scratch in a matter of minutes. All you need to get started is a topic for your list, and some interesting content that your target audience for your website, blog, or business will be eager to get their hands on.

The technical aspects of Aweber are easily taken care of once you follow the instructions to create your list. But creating the list is just the first step to becoming a successful email marketer. The second step is to learn what to do in the right order, and when. It means discovering the best email marketing practices to keep your list happy and earn money, no matter what type of business you have, or even if you are just starting out.

In Part II of this guide, learn how to create compelling offers that visitors to your site will be eager to register for, and what to do once they have them on your list. You will learn:

+What is an autoresponder

+What is a follow up email

+What is a broadcast email

+The main differences between a follow up and a broadcast email

+How to set a schedule for your follow up emails

+How to create a marketing plan with follow ups and broadcast emails

+How to customize your email marketing platform settings in order to automate your email marketing as much as possible

+How your email list can keep earning for you 24/7/365

and more.

If you’ve heard the phrase, “The money’s in the list,” the list they are referring to is an email marketing list. If you don’t already have an email marketing list, use this illustrated quick start guide to create your first list, upload amazing emails and offers, and see what a difference email marketing can make to your business.

Word Count=11,887
About the Authors

Joan Mullally is the author of more than 150 small business and marketing guides. She has over 25 years of experience in digital marketing and publishing.

Thomas Michaels has worked in the technology departments of some of the world’s leading Fortune 500 corporations. His main interests are how to make cutting-edge technology accessible to small businesses and how to stay ahead of the curve with the ever-increasing speed of change in the ecommerce, mobile and social media worlds. He is Joan’s frequent co-author on all things tech.


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