10 Coping Strategies: Becoming More Grounded


In this course, discover 10 coping strategies to help you feel more grounded and centered every day, so you can be more effective at home and work.

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10 Coping Strategies:
When You Have Lost Your Center And Feel Ungrounded

In the 10 Coping Strategies series of courses, our experts focus on one particular area that many people commonly struggle with, and offer advice and tools to help them overcome their problem.

In this course, we look at the issues of grounding and centeredness, and how we can improve both in order to prevent imbalance and burn out in our lives. In this way, we can increase our inner peace and boost our success in life because we are not being run ragged every day. Use these 10 strategies on their own, or in combination, and see what a difference they can make in your life.

Course Contents:
Coursebook-10 pages
Checklist-6 pages
Tipsheets-17 pages
Workbook-37 pages