Quiet Confidence


Discover what quiet confidence is, and how you can show your talents without acting like a show off.

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Quiet Confidence:
Showing Your Talents Without Showing Off

Most of us admire confident people. They just seem so together, organized, successful. Many of us long to be more confident in our personal and professional lives.

However, some people can be overconfident, or annoying about their (supposed) abilities. No one likes a person who boasts all the time. It’s wonderful to be confident, but constantly showing off only pushes people away rather than bringing them closer.

The good news is, you don’t have to brag and pose all the time to be confident. In this course, you will learn what quiet confidence is, and how to develop it, so you can show your true talents with acting like a show off.

Use all you learn to make the most of your talents so people will respect you, not avoid you for being a loud-mouthed boaster.

In this course, you will receive:
35+ minutes of audio lessons
a guide with transcripts of the lessons
a workbook/tracker to use with the lessons
a checklist to review the material in the lessons
and 2 poster sets to inspire you in relation to the lessons.


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