How to Channel Passion and Enthusiasm in Your Marketing Copy

If you want to motivate your customer to take action, the best way to do that is to create a perception of action in relation to your brand. The way you communicate with your customers […]

Creating a Well-Balanced Email Marketing Program

Email marketing often involves a tightrope walk between selling and connection. If you sell too much, you’ll lose your customer’s interest and burn out your list. Focus too much on connection and not on selling […]

How to Benefits from Co-Registration Leads

Co-registration leads are leads generated from people signing up for email lists and clicking an “I’d also like to learn about …” box. Co-registration leads are an often underutilized, yet highly profitable source of traffic. […]

Strategies to Increasing Conversion Rates

Getting high conversion rates is often an incremental process. You start with a sales letter that converts at just 0.2 percent; then through incremental adjustments, experimentation and testing you gradually inch that up to 1- […]

How to Make Your Email Newsletters Sharable on Social Media

For the last ten years, online newsletters have been one of the most powerful tools available to internet business owners. Today, social media is becoming increasingly more important. Here are a few tips on how […]