3 Mother Daughter Tea Themes Perfect for Mother’s Day Part 2

What would a tea party be without perfect tea?


Instructions for Brewing a “Proper” Pot of Tea


Here’s How:


  • Fill a tea pot with tap water to warm it up prior to adding tea leaves and boiling water.
  • Fill tea kettle with fresh, cold, non-distilled water.
  • Place kettle on stove and bring to boil.
  • Just before kettle begins to boil, pour water from tea pot and add one teaspoon tea leaves per cup to pot, plus an additional teaspoon for the pot.
  • Remove kettle from heat right after it comes to a boil and pour 6 ounces per cup into tea pot.
  • Let tea steep 3 – 7 minutes depending on desired strength.
  • While tea steeps, ask a friend to “do the honors” by serving the tea to your other guests.
  • Add cold, whole milk, or lemon to tea cups depending on preference of guests.
  • Pour tea into cups using a strainer to catch loose leaves.

Tea Brewing Tips:


  • Use a ceramic tea pot rather than metal. Metal can affect the taste of the tea and will cool the water more quickly.
  • Keep boiling water available for second cups and to dilute tea that becomes strong while sitting in tea pot. Rinse out the tea kettle and start with fresh, cold tap water. Never boil anything but water in your tea kettle.
  • Bring the water to its first rolling boil. Never over boil. Over boiling takes the oxygen out of the water, which in turn creates a flat beverage.
  • Take the teapot to the tea kettle and rinse out the pot with the boiling water from the kettle. Never take the kettle to the teapot, as you lose one degree of heat per second. Water for tea should be 212 degrees.
  • Use one teabag or teaspoon of loose tea per cup. Leaves enter the warm teapot and the infusion begins when the leaf opens.
  • Allow the tea to brew for three to five minutes, according to the blend of tea and how strong you like it.


By purchasing tea sampler boxes everyone will be able to choose their favorite. If you’ll be serving iced tea additions like peach, raspberry, cranberry or lemon can be a refreshing change from plain old sweet tea.


If you’re looking for a change of pace or want to start a new tradition this Mother’s Day consider a tea party.


Author: cs

Carolyn Stone has been working in consumer health publishing and women’s interest publishing for over 22 years. She is the author of more than 200 guides and courses designed to help readers transform their lives through easy action steps. In her spare time, she is actively involved in fostering children and pets.