Other functions of calcium in your body

Besides promoting healthy tooth enamel, calcium helps muscles. Muscles can cramp, and heart muscles can even FAIL, if these muscles are not supplied with just the right amount of calcium.

Nerve impulses, the transmission of information between nerve fibers, will not function properly without just the right amount of calcium.
For example, muscles twitch (called tetany) when the calcium supply to neuromuscular cells is insufficient.

Calcium is one of the most vital minerals for optimal functioning of your entire body, so you need to eat a balanced diet a la the food pyramid every day in order to get enough calcium and other vitamins and minerals in your diet.


Author: cs

Carolyn Stone has been working in consumer health publishing and women’s interest publishing for over 22 years. She is the author of more than 200 guides and courses designed to help readers transform their lives through easy action steps. In her spare time, she is actively involved in fostering children and pets.