Could postcard marketing be right for your business

POSTCARD MARKETING SUCCESS COVERPostcard marketing is a little known success secret in the marketing world these days. Why? Because so many businesses are jostling for business online that direct mail, also known as junk mail to you and me, has fallen by the wayside.


Mail boxes are empty compared to what they were a few years ago, and the Post Office in the United States is struggling to stay afloat because demand for their service went into such a steep decline with the advent of the Internet, digital products, online bill pay, and above all, direct to consumer marketing.


But smart marketers know that having an integrated marketing plan can help them reach a wide range of customers. A well executed postcard marketing campaign can generate leads and sales for pennies per person. It does of course take some planning and organization, and some cash up front, but the rewards can be well worth the risk to get your marketing message into the hands of those who will be most interested in your products and services.


Postcards can also be a cheap and handy giveaway, like a business card, only with more impact because it is bright, colorful, and can be used to give a lot more information, free hints and tips, and more. Anything you can do to encourage the reader to keep the card rather than throw it in the bin is a chance to market further to that person and make a sale.

A friend of ours just discovered the joys of postcard marketing, and wondered why he had never thought of it years ago, so we thought we would take this time to remind all our readers as well of our basic rule when it comes to prospecting for leads-go to a well stocked where you know the fish are and offer them the right bait they will be interested in.  Don’t try to trawl the entire ocean.

Today’s spotlight title is Postcard Marketing Success:  How to Use Postcard Marketing to Promote Your Business
and it is free today on Amazon, or any time with your Kindle Unlimited membership.

Here’s to making this year your most successful yet in your business.