Easy Ways You Can Help Motivate Others

Learn more about how to motivate others when the going gets tough.

Now that many more of us should be heading back into the office and the schools after the upheaval caused by the pandemic that started in early 2020, things are going to seem rather different, a new normal, so to speak. Some people will be raring to go. Others might still be worried about their health, the change in their routine, starting at a new job or school, and more.

Understanding motivation and how it works to help people is key to a successful workplace, home and future. There are plenty of ways to help motivate others, although there are a few key motivational points to remember if trying to help them to succeed.

There are two types of motivation used. They are known as extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic Motivation – External Motivating Method

Extrinsic motivation is when you use external factors to get the person to do what you want them to do. Many people still use this as a motivational tool, although it is now considered to be an outdated method, as the results desired are not always obtained. Motivating factors such as fear, money incentives etc., can cause stress and lead to failure. This method can be damaging to both the motivator and the person they should be motivating.

Intrinsic Motivation – Internal Motivating Method

Intrinsic motivational methods seem to be the best ways to motivate someone as they are simple yet effective, using non-manipulative ways to help someone to achieve their best. This method is internal from the motivator as they generally have a strong personal desire to help people and get a great deal of satisfaction from helping someone achieve their goal.

Some of the best intrinsic ways to help motivate people include:

” Communication is the key

When you want to motivate someone to do something, the most important tool is to speak openly to them and listen thoroughly. Find ways of encouraging them by listening to their goals and finding the right ways to encourage them towards the next steps to get there.
Asking open-ended questions is another great way to find out their goals. Try asking questions like “what do you want to do?” or “how long have you wanted to do that?” and work from there to help them attain their goals and key performance indicators.

” Always remember individuality

Everybody is different, therefore different people will require diverse methods of motivation to help them get motivated. Taking the time to know each individual’s situation and understanding who they are as a person will help you to recognize what will motivate them the most in certain circumstances.

Paying close attention to their strengths and weaknesses as well as their wants and needs will assist you when motivating them to succeed.

” Praise and kindness

If you are the motivator, you need to be respectful and treat people how they would like to be treated. Most people will enjoy what they are doing more and feel an increase in motivation if they are praised for their successes. When the leader is caring, the people are more likely to work harder to achieve expected results. In cases where the leader motivates with fear and punishment they often end in failure and display reduced creativity. This can be detrimental for both parties.

” Set realistic goals

Setting goals beyond reach can cause fear of failure, due to the task being too large or too difficult to complete in the time frame allowed. Setting smaller and more realistic goals that are within attainable limits can increase creativity, productivity and boost morale, as the employee feels supported and not overwhelmed. This will greatly increase the chances of a more positive outcome for the project.

” Follow up

As the motivator, you need to be present and check the progress of the person’s goals. This is a great way to make sure they stay motivated and inspired to complete their task. Be encouraging and praise them for their successes when the task is completed. Also be prepared to offer assistance if the team member is struggling. This will further help them regain motivation to reach their next target or goal.

If you follow these steps they will help you to motivate the people around you and make you more passionate about helping people achieve their goals. Always remember to be approachable, friendly and enthusiastic when trying to motivate individuals and use tools specific to the person involved to help reach their goals.
