How to Get the Most Out of Your Planner

Learn how to make the most of planners, to get yourself more organized so that you can get more done.

You are ready to get organized. You are tired of just flying by the seat of your pants. You want to make plans, set goals, and remember appointments. So what do you do? You get yourself a day planner. If you don’t know how to maximize the planner’s benefits, you won’t get as much value as you want. You might even stop using it entirely. Follow these nine tips, and you will get the most out of your planner.

  • Chose The Right One

If you are looking for a planner, then you will likely be overwhelmed with the choices. You should think about what type of planner you want. Do you want the freedom of a bullet journal, or do you prefer the structure of a traditional planner? Do you want something sleek and easy to carry, or do you want something that has room for everything? These are the type of things you should consider.

  • Use a Single Planner for Everything

While it might be tough narrowing it down, choose one single planner. Focusing on one planner is the best way to ensure you will continue to use it. Also, having one central area for all of your information is naturally more efficient.

  • Spend Time Setting it Up

Before you write your first appointment, you should figure out some sort of organizational system. Think about the ways you are going to use a planner. If you are using it to jot down all of your ideas, appointments, tasks, and goals, then you need another layer of organization. The simplest is a color-coding system of your choosing (i.e., red goals are more important).

  • Use It!

You need to use your planner to get any value from it. It might take some time to get used to using it but try and use it as much as possible. A great way to get started is by going through the planner and putting down important dates (birthdays, vacations) right away. This will aid in planning plus get you accustomed to using your planner.

  • Keep It Handy

If you want to use your planner (and you do!), then you need to keep it handy. Try to keep it on your person as much as possible. If you can’t bring it somewhere, at least keep it close enough, you won’t forget it.

  • Incorporate it Into Your Routines

Even if we aren’t aware of it, we are creatures of habit who naturally form routines. Adding “planning” into your routines is one way you can ensure you regularly do it. Maybe someday, taking a look at your planner will be as routine as that first sip of coffee or brushing your teeth before bed.

  • Set Monthly Goals

Most planners will have different views (daily, weekly, and monthly). A great thing to do at the start of each month is to set some goals for that month. That way, when you are planning out your weeks and days, you will have that monthly goal as a guiding light. Don’t know what you should be doing? Well, figure out what actions propel you towards your monthly goal.

  • Make a To-Do List Everyday

Spending a little time each morning (or the night before) to plan goals for the next day is a powerful way to become more successful. These small daily goals will make you feel good as you check them off, and before you know it, you will be well on your way to realizing your bigger goals.

  • Combine With Technology

There is something powerful about physically writing and tracking in a real journal. That said, don’t be afraid to incorporate technology more often. Going through your planner and setting phone alerts for important tasks and meetings is a great way to embrace technology, but not entirely give up on your physical planner.


Check out the latest planners, to make yourself more organized than ever before.
