Plant-Based Personal Care Products

Plant-Based Personal Care Products

For most of us, the use of personal care products is something we don’t even think about. We use soap, shampoo and conditioner each time we shower. We apply deodorant. We brush our teeth with toothpaste and wash our faces with special cleansers. But have you ever read the labels on these products?

Most of them contain chemicals with long names that we may have never heard of. They are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, or any other government agency. Some of them are known to cause health problems, often serious ones. Yet we put them on our bodies every day. Antiperspirants, for example, almost always contain aluminum and other chemicals that have been linked to breast cancer.

Some enlightened companies have recognized this problem and have begun to produce plant-based products. These products are made without chemicals or animal products, making them suitable for vegans as well as those who just wish to avoid dangerous ingredients. But due to lack of scientific studies of traditional products, and lack of public awareness, plant-based products have not been widely accepted.

Most plant-based products lack the fancy packaging of their more conventional counterparts. In fact, many of them use minimal packaging to reduce their impact on the environment. But behind that plain packaging, the products themselves are often as effective as the ones in the pretty bottles. Here are some more advantages of these products:

* The products themselves are better for the environment than those that are not plant-based. Plants are a renewable resource, and they can be harvested with minimal impact on the environment.

* When our personal care product containers end up in the landfill, there is almost always a small amount of the product left in them. Those tiny amounts of chemicals may seem insignificant, but when millions of other people are using products with the same chemicals, it really adds up. These chemicals can cause air, water and soil pollution.

* Plant-based products usually do not undergo animal testing. Animal testing subjects defenseless animals to pain and health dangers. By purchasing products that are not tested on animals, you can avoid contributing to the practice.

Disadvantages of Plant-Based Products

Plant-based personal care products are somewhat different than the products most of us are accustomed to. They usually aren’t as highly fragranced as mainstream products. Mouthwashes and toothpastes may not taste as good as our usual brands, and some products may come in forms that we haven’t used before.

But in most cases, once we give these products a chance, they prove to be just as effective as products that are full of unnatural ingredients. If we can get the same effects from products that are better for us and the environment, isn’t it worth a try?
