Socializing and Home Schooling

Discover different ways to deal with socializing your kids when you are homeschooling.

Friends for Your Kids – Socializing and Home Schooling

One of the things that home schoolers often hear is that their home schooled child or children will not be “socialized.” The public school setting seems to be the conventional way that kids are expected to make friends and engage in social behavior, but it is by no means the only way. And some would contend that public schools are not necessarily the best way to socialize, either.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can help your home schooled child interact with others and develop healthy friendships.

1. Community activities

Find out what’s going on around you, and take part! Look into local theater, choirs, clubs, group art lessons, and other activities. A good place to start is your local library – they are often at the hub of community events. Many events are held at the library itself.

2. Religious communities

Joining a church, synagogue, mosque, or other religious community can help your child connect with others. Many religious centers have group activities like choirs, game night, camps, and other events.

3. Home school co-ops

Another good way to help your child foster friendships is to join a home schooling co-op. These are groups of home schooling individuals who pitch in to teach, plan events, or otherwise participate. Sometimes co-ops have classes – a parent may offer to teach a science or reading class, for example. Another parent might offer to plan a field trip.

Members of the community can also participate – experts like firefighters, police officers, and others can contribute information and fun activities. Co-ops allow for a great variety of experience and interaction.

4. Do field trips on your own

You don’t have to be a member of a co-op to plan field trips. During the day, when public school kids are at their desks, you and your home schooled child can be at the local museum, talking and interacting with curators and museum visitors. These field trips can be learning experiences, too – let your child take along some money on a store trip and, using his or her math skills, decide what to buy. Scavenger hunts can be arranged with other kids in the community or neighborhood.

5. Organize neighborhood events

Nothing going on in your community? Organize something! Maybe the neighborhood kids would like to hold a pet show, or participate in a clean-up day. You might meet neighbors your kid’s age that you never knew lived near you!

Check out the latest homeschooling titles in the Printables store to help you with your homeschooling efforts.
