Timing Matters in Eating Healthy Part 1

Sugar, which is not processed immediately by the body as energy, is turned into insulin and stored as fat for later use. When you are trying to combine eating, being active and either weight loss or management, timing is everything. The way the body breaks down different types of food and when each of those substances are either used or stored, is an important aspect when it comes to managing weight.

When we consume food, our body converts carbohydrates into immediate blood sugar, also known as glucose, which is our main source of energy. Depending on our blood sugar level, we will feel energetic or extremely sluggish. Blood sugar levels also have an effect on how hungry we are and what we crave. Finally, blood sugar determines whether we burn fat or store it away for another time.

Insulin is a hormone, produced by our pancreas that moves blood sugar throughout our body where it is used as energy. When the body is overwhelmed with carbohydrate-rich foods, the pancreas produces insulin like crazy to tell the body to start cranking out the blood sugar for the body to use as energy and reducing the amount of blood sugar in the body. Insulin is actually meant to tell your body to use the energy to lower blood sugar.


Author: cs

Carolyn Stone has been working in consumer health publishing and women’s interest publishing for over 22 years. She is the author of more than 200 guides and courses designed to help readers transform their lives through easy action steps. In her spare time, she is actively involved in fostering children and pets.