Top Powerfoods

Top Powerfoods

There are plenty of foods that are detrimental to our health. The average diet is high in fat, salt, cholesterol and other substances that can cause a variety of health problems. But there are also certain foods that can improve our health.

There has been much discussion lately about so-called “powerfoods.” These foods have been proven to have such benefits as boosting the immune system, slowing the aging process, and fighting chronic diseases. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to achieve all of these things without taking medication?

The secret to these powerfoods is phytochemicals. These compounds are found naturally in certain plants that are used for food. Here are some of the top phytochemical-containing powerfoods:

Goji Berries

Some consumers have been turned off by the hype surrounding the goji berry, but it is truly a remarkable little fruit. Its wonders lie in two beneficial phytochemicals: beta carotene and zeaxanthin. It contains large amounts of these nutrients, which studies have shown to be highly effective in reducing the risk of certain cancers. Goji berries have also been found to reduce bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol.

Goji juice comes with a high price tag, but you can buy goji berries at Asian markets at a much more reasonable price. They are often consumed dried in trail mix, cereals and baked goods.


Kefir is made by culturing milk with kefir grains, which are made of yeast and bacteria. It is similar to yogurt, but it provides greater nutritional benefits. Kefir can lower cholesterol and is good for the immune system.

Kefir is consumed as a beverage. It makes delicious and nutritious smoothies. It’s great for those who are watching their weight, because it does a good job of curbing hunger.


Garlic has long been used as an herbal remedy for a variety of ailments. It’s great at fighting infections, and it can help regulate blood pressure. But it also has serious nutritional value.

Garlic is packed with protein, potassium, calcium, zinc, and vitamins A, B and C. Studies have also shown that garlic lowers cholesterol and reduces the incidence of cancer.


Leafy green vegetables are often considered “rabbit food” or used as garnish. But they contain lots of essential nutrients. Kale is one of the most nutritious vegetables in this group.

Kale is loaded with carotenoids, which are known for fighting numerous types of cancer. It also contains potassium, calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamins A and C.

These are just a few of the many powerfoods. If we try, we can easily eat one or more of these beneficial foods each and every day, or even include them in each meal. Doing so will help us lead longer, healthier lives.
