6 Ways to Improve Your Respiratory Health

Learn more about respiratory health, and how you can protect your lungs.

The respiratory system is important to a healthy life. This system brings oxygen into the body, which is essential for our cells to live and function properly. It also helps to rid the body of carbon dioxide, which is the waste produced during the cellular function. Respiratory health is important for overall health. The following information will help to maintain or improve respiratory help.

Stop Smoking

WebMD, the Mayo Clinic, the CDC and WHO all report that one of the most important things to improve respiratory health is to stop smoking if you do smoke and stay away from secondhand smoke if you don’t smoke. Tobacco smoke affects the respiratory system in many ways.

It causes irritation to the trachea and larynx; it reduces lung function and causes breathlessness due to swelling and narrowing of the airways. Excess mucus is also produced in lung passages due to tobacco smoke. Smoking can cause weaker lungs that never perform at maximum capability.

Not only does smoking affect the lungs, but it also affects every organ in the body. Individuals that start smoking at a young age can stunt the growth of the lungs and alter the development of their brain. Many life-threatening respiratory diseases are caused by smoking or secondhand smoke. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, and bronchitis are a few well-known conditions. One of the major conditions is lung cancer. Smoking is to blame for a high percentage of lung cancers (https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/sgr/50th-anniversary/pdfs/fs_smoking_overall_health_508.pdf).

Avoid Air Pollution

Even the normal air you breathe can affect your health. Even if you cannot see it air can be polluted. Polluted air can cause difficulty breathing, allergies or asthma, and other lung problems.

Extended exposure to air pollution can increase the risk of other diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

One misconception is that air pollution only occurs mainly outside, smog, smoke from cars and factories, and pollen and allergens to name a few. But air pollution can also occur inside homes, offices, or schools.

Whether outdoors or indoors, air pollution can affect those who already have difficulty breathing. With or without breathing problems, everyone is susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollution.


Exercise not only enhances your mood and shape; it can also help improve your breathing. Regular exercise helps your body sufficiently use the oxygen you breathe which is referred to as lung function.

People with lung disease tend to use more energy to breathe compared to individuals without lung conditions. Regular exercise can help individuals decrease their symptoms and improve their breathing. Lung disease can limit the air individuals breathe in.

With regular activity, you can improve how well your body uses the air you breathe. When you exercise, your lungs and heart work hard. During this work, oxygen is pulled into the body and deliver to the muscles which are being used. This helps improve circulation and strengthens the lung tissue. By strengthening the lung tissue, you will improve lung function (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4818249/#:~:text=However%2C%20regular%20exercise%20can%20increase,out%20for%20a%20given%20exercise.)

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating foods high in antioxidants can help your respiratory system and reduce inflammation.

Eating healthy foods and nutrients provides energy to help individuals to stay active. The right foods can also help support our immune system and improve our lung health. The right nutrients in your diet can help you breathe easier and minimize asthma symptoms.

Annual Checkup

During an annual checkup, your doctor will use simple tests and a series of questions to get a detailed idea of how your body is functioning. This includes your respiratory health.

Some respiratory conditions can be prevented with early detection and treatment before they become serious. Your respiratory health is important and should never be neglected to maintain a healthy active lifestyle.

To learn more about respiratory health and how to care for your lungs, please visit:
