Small Steps Can Lead to Big Changes

Discover how little changes can lead to big results when you are trying to transform your life.

Changing your life doesn’t have to be a huge gesture. Many people avoid changing their life for the better because they are overwhelmed by what it will take. The reality is, changing your life doesn’t need to include some seismic shift. Focusing and committing to a few small changes can be just as effective over the long term. Here are nine little things that can make a big difference in your life.

1. Try to Stay Positive
I know, I know – Easier said than done. The keyword is “try,” though. While you can’t just turn yourself into a positive thinker overnight, simply being aware and trying to think positively as much as possible will help. At the very least, it is a start that could blossom into something bigger.

2. Get up A Little Earlier
A good night’s sleep is important, but most of us could get up a bit earlier and be fine. Getting up a little earlier gives you more time to get things done. It’s also the perfect time to reflect, journal, or just bask in quiet.

3. Write a Paragraph
No matter what your career is, the ability to communicate via the written word can be helpful. Writing can also be a powerful self-help tool. When you commit to writing a paragraph each day, you sharpen your skills and tap into the therapeutic effects of journaling. Just watch how fast that paragraph turns into pages.

4. Read a Paragraph
Reading isn’t only a nice past time; it is a great way to learn. When you commit to reading more often, you open yourself up to all sorts of learning opportunities. An easy way to build a reading habit is to start a little bit at a time. A single paragraph today could blossom into a lifelong reading habit.

5. Do One Thing You Have Been Avoiding
We all have a set of tasks we know we should be doing, but are putting it off for some reason. If you focus on finishing just one of these tasks, you will feel so much better. You will get something done that needs to be taken care of, plus you will be boosting your esteem and self-worth.

6. Explore Your Neighborhood
How often do you get out and walk around your neighborhood? If you are like most people, not as often as you should. It might not seem like a big deal, but getting out and about in your neighborhood can boost your mood and health. On top of that, you might meet some new and interesting people.

7. Lend a Hand
It doesn’t take much effort or time to help another person. Besides boosting the moods of everyone involved, it is a good way to feel more personally fulfilled. You never know what you’ll learn or where an offer of help will lead either.

8. Say “No” More Often
It should be easy to say “no”; after all, it’s only two letters. Even so, we struggle to say it when we know we should. By simply saying no more often, you will set expectations, free up your time, and keep yourself open for any new opportunities that might pop up out of the blue.

9. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
If we all took more time to focus on our own goals and stopped worrying about where others were, we would be better off. It might not be easy at first, but the effort is worth it if you want a happier life.


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