Exploring Color Therapy 2

Learn more about color therapy, and how it is used for health and healing.

In the first lesson, we discussed what color therapy is, and the psychological effects of the first 2 colors of the rainbow, Red and Orange. In this lesson, we will be discussing the nest three colors, yellow, green and blue.

The Psychological Effects of Yellow


Yellow increases concentration and is a cheerful color. Exposure to this color can stimulate mental activity and increase energy. It is one of the brightest colors. It emits a sense of well-being. It also provides a close connection with self-confidence and self-esteem.

Yellow encourages inspiration and a higher comprehension of subjects. It is the color of the sun, vitality, fun, communication, and learning.

It stimulates the solar plexus.

It can help in alleviating panic attacks, tension, worry, digestive problems, and depression.

But it is one of the colors that the brain has the hardest time deciphering. For this reason, it can cause headaches or nausea. Too much yellow causes a lack of self-esteem and anxiety.

People who have an aversion to yellow experience disappointment or resentment.


The green color is in the middle of the light spectrum and relates to nature, balance, and harmony. It symbolizes fertility, has a calming effect on the eyes. It improves reading skills and reading comprehension. It is an idealistic color, selfless, compassionate, and conscious.

Green helps us to accept ourselves. It is the most used color in healing. It stimulates the heart chakra. Also, it represents the color of money. It is a color of growth. It stimulates inner peace.

People who have an aversion to green are more prone to a lonely life.


Blue is a soothing color but is also the color of the business world. It represents loyalty and inner strength. Blue is the color of water, truth, wisdom, silence, and serenity.

This color alleviates strong emotions such as suffering, confusion, anger, and aggression. The blue color is excellent for improving communication and giving speeches. It associates with the Throat Chakra.

Most often, people who do not tolerate criticism, who do not like to endure others, have an aversion to blue.

In the next lesson, we will look at the rest of the colors of the rainbow.

Further Reading
Healing With Crystals and Color Therapy Journal
