Exploring Color Therapy 3

Learn more about color therapy, and how it can help improve your health and wellbeing.

In the last lesson, we looked at the colors yellow, green and blue. We will finish off the colors of the rainbow and their psychological effects by looking at the last 2 of the spectrum, Indigo and Violet.

The Psychological Effects of Indigo


Indigo belongs to the spectrum of blue colors. It relates to intuition, so it is also called the color of the higher mind. This color stimulates the right side of the brain, creativity. It is often associated with justice. Indigo helps us to understand ourselves and our inner thoughts.

It stimulates the third eye chakra. Considered a spiritual color, it is useful during meditation, and dream interpretation.

If you have an aversion to this color, it can mean that you are avoiding your inner truth.


This color is the color of extravagance, powerful and ambitious people. It signifies spirituality and selfless love and is useful in the pursuit of a higher goal. It is often associated with imagination, inspiration, and a sense of purpose in life.

Purple is useful for treating melancholy. It provides inner awareness of your thoughts and feelings. It calms the heart and muscle activity.

People who avoid this color avoid the truth within themselves.

Other Colors with Important psychological effects

In addition to the 7 colors of the rainbow, there are certain other colors that can be said to have a psychological effect upon the wearer and upon those who view it.


White is a symbol of innocence and purity in most cultures.

It is the color of the total reflection of the light spectrum.

Seen as the light of healing, this color brings harmony and raises vibration.

It represents cosmic intelligence, divine light, purity of radiance, uniqueness, and freshness. It helps us to establish contact with the higher self and spiritual helpers.

It stimulates the Crown Chakra.

If you avoid white, there are conflicts within yourself not resolved. These conflicts are around your integrity and values.


Black is a color that absorbs all colors in the spectrum. In many cultures, it symbolizes death, regret, and witchcraft. It is an indicator of power. It sometimes represents strength or a symbol of evil.

People associate black with violence, unhappiness, negativity, and sophistication.

It can protect from evil, liberation from bad habits, expulsion, and attachment.

It represents power, authority, strength, intelligence, and formality.

It is the densest color that carries the most prejudice. It helps in deep meditation, opens wide unconscious levels, frees from bad habits.

It stimulates the root chakra.

If you avoid black, then you avoid feeling all ranges of emotions, including negative ones. It can mean that you are not grounded in your Root Chakra.


Brown is often found in nature and symbolizes strength, security, comfort, and reliability. It represents authority, self-confidence, masculine energy, luxury, power, creativity, and perfection.

It is a color for practical people who want to explore nature or bring nature indoors. This color can be warm and pleasant. It can also cause feelings of sadness, isolation, and neutrality.

It is a symbol of stability, grounding, protection of households, and pets.

The color gold associates with prosperity, wisdom, love, concentration, and strength. Color therapy and healing often sees the golden color as the color of spirituality.

But, there is a prejudice that the person wearing this color likes to be the center of attention.

If you avoid brown and gold, it often means that you wish to be mentally stimulated. That is in comparison to being in your body and feeling grounded.

Now that you understand the psychological effects of the various colors, in the next lesson, we will look at applying color therapy in your daily life.

Further Reading
Healing With Crystals and Color Therapy Journal
