Top 10 iPhone Apps for Business Productivity

Here is a checklist of the apps included in this presentation, with links, in text format. Checklist 10 iPhone Apps We hope one or more of them will help you take your business to the next level.

What Would Happen if Your Next Paycheck Didn’t Come?

Think about what you would do if your next paycheck didn’t come. Do you have an emergency fund set aside?

Depression now the #2 cause of disability in the world

A study published this week puts depression as the #2 cause of disability in the world now, after vision and hearing problems. Depression can occur in people as young as 3. It is the cause […]

33 Health Facts: Exercise and Fitness

Use these fitness facts to take action to improve your life….. Exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Yet most of us do not get as much exercise as we need. In fact, […]

Secrets of successful local marketing ecourse

Our talented authors here at Eternal Spiral Books have just put together a great new ecourse on how to get started as a local marketer, helping businesses raise their profile so they can get more […]

Could you learn to be a DIY mom?

Tired of waiting for your husband or partner to get time to start fixing things around the house? Or are you a single mom paying way too much for workmen to help you with repairs? […]

Meaningful Giving This Holiday Season

‘Tis the season to go shopping. Why not make your money really count with a gift that can help save and even transform a life? After all, how many socks and fruitcakes does anyone really […]

Are you making the most of the money you earn?

When it comes to building wealth, it isn’t how much you earn, but how much you keep, and how smartly you invest it so that it grows over time to help you meet your personal […]

Maintaining a Positive and Productive Mind

It can be very difficult to feel positive and upbeat when there is so much negativity all around us in the news headlines and our workplace. Positive Personality, Positive Results: How to Develop a Positive […]

The Benefits and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery

The Benefits and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery (Health Matters) by Carolyn Stone and Evelyn Trimborn Laser eye surgery is one way that people who wish to correct their bad vision can improve their eyesight […]