How to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

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Caregiver burn out is the phrase commonly used to refer to a person looking after a loved one at home, usually full-time. They may need to look after their loved one due to some form […]

Money-Saving Tips for New Moms

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For such tiny people, babies can be very, very expensive. You’ve got to feed them, diaper them and clothe them. They need bath supplies and laundry detergents that are suitable for sensitive baby skin. They […]

What Would Happen if Your Next Paycheck Didn’t Come?

Think about what you would do if your next paycheck didn’t come. Do you have an emergency fund set aside?

Depression now the #2 cause of disability in the world

A study published this week puts depression as the #2 cause of disability in the world now, after vision and hearing problems. Depression can occur in people as young as 3. It is the cause […]

Childhood Obesity Risks

Obesity is not a concern only for adults in United States. It is now becoming an increasingly alarming health concern for children. What was once considered a bit of baby fat can now be perceived […]

How to Save $100 a Month to Help Achieve Your Financial Freedom

Learn how to take control of your own financial freedom.

Bargain Travel: All-Inclusive Cruises

Learn more about your bargain travel options.

Healthy Easter Treats Part 2

Easter is a great time of year to celebrate, but there is no need to eat unhealthily. Here are some healthy ideas to keep you and your family on track. Seasonal Treats – Easter falls […]

Cranberry Orange Arugula

Arugula is a leaf vegetable that closely resembles lettuce.  It has a rich peppery taste, and is mostly used in salad.    Arugula can be cooked and used with pasta or meats in many dishes.  […]

Staying Fit During Your Pregnancy Part 1

Keeping fit during your pregnancy will help you keep your body toned and it also can help when it comes time to deliver the baby. Every pregnant woman wants to be able to go back […]