6 Ways to Keeping Your Child Focused Despite Their ADHD

Having a child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) can challenge even the most patient of parents and adults. These simple yet effective strategies, when applied consistently, can help your child succeed at home and/or […]

How to Help Children with ADHD Succeed in School

It’s only natural for parents of children with ADHD to be concerned about how they will perform in school. The symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can create behavioral problems that often interfere with a […]

Is There a Link Between ADHD and Pesticides?

In May 2010, a noteworthy study was released which implied that there may be a connection between pesticides and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For the study, approximately one thousand children were tested for organophosphates. […]

Treating Depression and Anxiety Naturally

>Many people who have depression or anxiey often do not seek treatment because they are worried about taking a lot of medicines. Medicines can carry the risk of a range of side effects, and some […]

Depression now the #2 cause of disability in the world

A study published this week puts depression as the #2 cause of disability in the world now, after vision and hearing problems. Depression can occur in people as young as 3. It is the cause […]

Getting Started with Natural Remedies for Your Family

There are many kinds of natural home remedies that you can use for skin care, hair care, and minor health care issues. Getting Started with Homeopathy Homeopathy is an alternative form of medicine that has […]

Keep Fit Even at Your Desk

Discover ways to keep fit, even at your desk.

How to Treat Insomnia Naturally

by Carolyn Stone and Evelyn Trimborn Insomnia can be one of the most frustrating and exhausting medical conditions, leading to weariness, irritability, an inability to function in the workplace, and damage to our relationships and […]

Factors That Affect Body Weight 2

Genetic Factors Continued A number of genes are responsible for regulating body weight. More than a decade ago, researchers at Rockefeller University discovered that mutations in a gene—called the obesity (ob) gene— prevented a strain […]

Cactus Diet Plan 2

Pharmaceutical companies are trying to synthesize Hoodia for marketing to the rest of the world, but there are still some questions about the best dosage and if it is a safe long term weight loss […]